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Drawing on a decade of experience in social work, Taylor has written and illustrated a thorough guide to practicing self care in a stressful world. Learn to recognize signs of burnout and add some essential tools to your personal development toolbox with The Fox Universe Tarot: A Self Care Oracle to assist you. This deck is a great way to get to know yourself better and reflect on ways to improve your life and really thrive.


The deck itself is based on the traditional tarot framework of 78 (+2) cards: 24 Major Arcana + 56 Minor Arcana. Each of the 4 Minor Arcana suits contains 14 cards (10 pips and 4 Court cards). All the cards and suits were renamed to fit with the self care concept. The four suits are Wheels (Personal Development), Spoons (Energy), Candles (Burnout), and Diamonds (Recovery). The Court cards are named Student, Ghost, Witch, and Wizard. The 24 Major Arcana guides were also renamed and have new meanings. It is similar to an oracle deck in that it provides the user with 80 words to reflect on. All of these details and the meanings of every card are explained in the guidebook included in each deck.

  • 80 black and white cards on sturdy card stock with rounded corners and gold foiled edges
  • includes a 96-page guidebook filled with strategies for maintaining mental health and achieving balance in your life

The Fox Universe Tarot: A Self Care Oracle

  • Meet the Creator, Taylor Haigh

    Taylor Haigh is a freelance graphic and interior designer based in Gabriola Island, Canada. She spent the majority of her adult years as a front line mental health worker in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and on Vancouver Island working in low income housing serving meals, providing health and home support, and starting art programs in the community.


    Over the years she has collected a lot of experience in mental health through this work as well as through her own personal struggle with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), from which she realized how critical and neglected self-care is, in the busy world we live in. She aims to raise awareness of the importance of truly caring for yourself properly with her Oracle deck creation.


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