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If flowers could speak... what would they tell you? What would they whisper in your ear as they sway in the summer breeze? What secrets would the autumn leaves share with you as they dance their way to the ground to rot, just so they could be reborn again? What advice would the sunflowers give you as day after day they turn their sweet faces to the shining sun? What can you learn from a pink lotus with shimmering petals, rising from the sticky mud that it was born in?

The creator believe that if we just stopped to listen to the precious laughter of the bellflowers or the melody of a running creek, we will discover answers to the questions we didn't know we had.


How To Use

  •  Shuffle the cards and pull a random card without looking. Treat the message on the card as something The Universe is telling you to focus on.
  • When you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, or sad, look through the cards for advice. I promise, you will find your special card that resonates with your situation.
  • Look through the card deck in the morning. Select a few that are relevant to you, or that you would like to focus your attention and energy on this day/week/month. Place them in visible places around the house.
  • Use the cards as journaling or meditation prompts.
  • Carry a card or two that speaks to you in your bag or wallet, or use as a bookmark.
  • Use the cards during Full Moon or New Moon to amplify the messages and energies of the cards. The cards are also best used in nature, since they are nature-themed.
  • Gift a card to someone who really needs to hear the message.
  • Use these cards to spark deep conversations in circles, with friends or loved ones.
  • Similar to tarot cards, you are welcome to use card spreads to receive answers.


Message from the Creator

I wish for these cards to be a gateway to something bigger, a portal for presence and connection with The Mother.May this deck bring healing and wisdom into your life through all of your winters and summers.May we all intentionally plant our seeds, and may they grow tall and strong.May our gardens stay lush and abundant and rich with life and fruit. Love, Annie x



  • 33 oracle cards + guidebook + box
  • Designed and written by Annie Tarasova

Bloom Oracle 🇦🇺

  • Meet the Creator, Annie Tarasova

    Annie loves art (obviously), but also eating healthy, going for forest walks, swimming in the ocean even when it's cold, traveling, challenging her body and mind by putting herself in situations that facilitate inner growth - solo travel, difficult hikes, meeting new people, trying new things (she recently tried skiing and fell in love with it).


    She is very passionate about spreading awareness about sustainable and mindful living. She is also very passionate about using art as a tool for healing. 


    She has been eating vegan since 2014 and she feels amazing. She is in love with horses and hopes to one day have enough land and time to adopt a horse. And may be a cow.


    She LOVES reading and has a lot of amazing book suggestions. Her favourites are Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, The Messenger by Marcus Zusak, The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She also loves Eckhart Tolle. She loves this quote by him...

    “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”


    She travels a lot. Both for work and for enjoyment. Traveling opens her heart and mind and teaches her more than she could have ever learned in a classroom.


    Her favourite country is New Zealand. Snow capped mountains have never failed to inspire her. New Zealand is a very underrated far-away corner of the Earth, and for that she is so grateful. Roads are empty, nature is pure, lakes are sapphire blue and theres a sense of freedom in the air. All she needs to reconnect to Mother Nature and get the creative flow started.

    She was recently asked what was her vision for a perfect day... This is what she said:

    "Waking up to the morning sunrise light hitting my eyes. Brewing a cup of herbal tea, doing some stretches or light yoga outside in the grass, barefoot. Going for a swim in the ocean or a creek to wake me up. Playing my favourite music, making a smoothie and painting outside in the sun. Then jumping in the car with friends and going somewhere beautiful to explore. May be a small hike or to see a waterfall. Coming back home and cooking lunch together, roasting veggies and chopping up a huge salad. Eating outside, talking about life and sharing our intentions and future plans. Day dreaming. Swimming in the calm ocean at sunset. Feeling free and fulfilled. Having dinner with my beautiful mum. Seeing her smile and laugh. Climbing into bed before 10pm and listening to a guided meditation before drifting off to sleep."

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