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Plants are our interconnected allies. The quality of our life is enhanced by plugging into Nature’s energy on a regular basis. The Plant Ally Cards (#plantallycards) helps to cultivate self-compassion within us so we can connect with Nature and also improve well-being. When we become accepting, warmer and kinder towards ourselves and our experiences of life, we are naturally kinder to others. We can then extend this kindness outwards to all living things.

Combining Flower Essences with abstract evocative artwork, this is a kind, companion deck of 56 cards plus one information card. They are not exact botanical representations of the flowers (and not intended to be). They have concise, self-discovery prompts on the back that are not meant to be detailed medicinal descriptions of plant essences. Instead, they act as prompts to inspire you whenever you feel the need for extra support or guidance.


You may use them in any way that feels resonant. An example might be to flow-write about a card you feel drawn to. Or, select 3 cards to weave a mini-story. Another way is to simply ask which plant ally wishes to step forward to support you right now. Then, you may also want to explore how the essence of the card applies in your life. Let your intuition guide you.


  • 56 professionally printed cards in 89mm X 127mm size on 395um smooth-faced Zanta Games Board card
  • There is no guidebook, but there are further information on the back of each card to guide and inspire you
  • Each pack is placed in a custom-designed rigid box

NOTE: this deck is not suitable for 'Riffle' shuffling as the creator wish to reduce the amount of plastic used in producing the cards. Also, the card stock is thick enough to ensure a quality feel, maintaining respect and extending the life of a valued deck.

Plant Ally Healing Cards 🇬🇧

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  • Meet the Creator, Lisa McLoughlin

    Lisa McLoughlin is a Mixed Media Digital Collage artist, and creator of Nature-inspired art and crafts: Plant Ally, Tree Wisdom, and The Textured Tarot decks.

    She creates beautiful and evocative artwork to help you connect with your own heart and soul. Combining her experience as a physiotherapist and coach, with her intuition as an artist, she creates Nature-inspired gifts and art e-courses.

    Her mission is to be one of an expanding network of people to fly the marketing flag for Nature: creating art to help YOU be inspired to go outside and feel part of the interconnected web of life.


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